The problem of ecological self-recovery in the Middle Ob regions subject to antropogenic oil production impact

Автор: Usmanov I.Yu., Ovechkina E.S., Yumagulova E.R., Ivanov V.B., Shcherbakov A.V., Shayakhmetova R.I.

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Рубрика: Охрана окружающей среды и устойчивое развитие

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2015 года.

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This work is a devoted to a comprehensive assessment of the different anthropogenic impact in the course of oil production in a variety of ecosystems of the Middle Ob region, which has not previously been evaluated. Therefore it is planned to hold systematic studies using different analytical methods to assess various components of ecosystems. The researchers plan to hold a geobotany and resource analysis of integral ecosystems (geobotanic description in areas subject to anthropogenic factors and assessment of changes in the contribution of different plant species in the overall productivity of ecological community); a soil analysis (analysis of the soil transformation under the impact and analysis of the accumulation and redistribution of pollution elements in sediments and soil horizons in the ecosystems of the Middle Ob). The landscape-geographical and hydrological analysis joined with the resource-geobotanical and soil analysis will allow the researchers to determine the similarities and differences in the mechanisms of distribution and natural utilization of various contaminants...


Ecosystem sustainability, transformation of pollutants, anthropogenic stress, migration of elements, self-recovery

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14116870

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