Problems of introduction of technologies of digital economy at the present stage of development of economic education in Russia

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A new stage in the development of human society is increasingly associated with the processing and use of information in digital form. The digital economy has a decisive influence on all spheres of social relations in the world and in Russia. In the article the authors give the latest data on the spread of the digital economy in various countries, including Russia. The authors processed statistical data on the use of information and communication technologies in various enterprises of Russia: the number of personal computers per 100 employees, the number of computers connected to the Internet, etc. Due to the widespread use of ICT (information and computer technologies), it is necessary to improve the education system at all levels. The task of the various levels of education is to master students all the possibilities of digital technology and all the possibilities of computers. In the teaching of economic disciplines related to special skills, the use of computer technology is due to the construction of training programs and the content of practical material for the development of professional techniques of the economist and Manager. At the same time, in the teaching of the disciplines of the basic part of economic Sciences, which are mainly theoretical in nature, the use of ICT and modern educational technologies is limited mainly to control testing and transfer of materials in the electronic environment, which is clearly not enough at the present time.


Digital economy, directions of training of economic personnel using various types of software, digital technology, digital information environment

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IDR: 142221250

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