Production processes of introduction of eastern galega (Galega orientalis Lam.) in the conditions of middle taiga of Western Siberia

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Severe conditions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Au-tonomous Circle - Yugra require the introduction of perennial legumes as the main component of biolog-ical agriculture. One of the crops with high acclimati-zation ability and economic importance in the last decade is the eastern galega, or milk vetch east (Galega orientalis L.). The object of the study served as eastern galega, Gala variety. For culture introduc-tions the studies on the sandy podzolic soils of Sur-gut district Khanty-Mansiysk - Ugra were carried out in 2013-2014 on the territory of the pilot area of Sur- gut administrative region relating to cool significantly moistened area of cultivation of very early cultures. It was found out that agricultural practices had different impacts on the growth and development of eastern galega. The highest productivity of aboveground and belowground biomass of galega in the conditions of the north of Western Siberia provided the inoculation of seeds before sowing microbiological fertilizer Baikal-EM1. By morphometric characteristics the ex-cess of rates by an average of 43-66 % was ob-served. Additional bean component created a hostile environment and had a depressing effect on the growth processes of culture, there was a decrease in the density and height of the grass shoots in 43- 46 % decrease in the yield of 65 %, below-ground biomass was 33 %. It was established that growth of shoots of eastern galega closely correlates with the formation of leaves: (r = 0.99, r2 = 0.984). The ac-cumulation of aboveground biomass of galega dur-ing the growing season - a plant height and stand density (r = 0.95-0.94; r2 = 0.901-0.898). The ac-cumulation of aboveground biomass of formation and development of leaf area galega plants (r = 0.97-0.99; r2 = 0.938-0.978) and photosynthetic po-tential (r = 0,989). Correlation analysis confirmed that there was a close relationship between the ac-cumulation of root biomass and productivity of the aboveground phytomass (r = 0.99; r2 = 0.979), as stem and leaves in low soil fertility were important sources of revenue products of photosynthesis in the roots.


Eastern galega, introduction, inocu-lation, baikal-eм1, sandy podzolic soil, middle tai-ga of western siberia

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IDR: 14084781

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