Productivity of astragalus galegiformis based on usage herbage

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In the long-term field experiment in the southern forest steppe of Omsk region we studied and de-fined the terms cutting herbage legume Astragalus galegiformis the cultivation of feed. In the study we used methods of scientific research institutes. Sta-tistical treatment of information was performed by B.A. Dospekhov (1985). The analysis of the data indicates that the mode of using herbage Astraga-lus galegiformis had a significant influence on the formation of the amount of cut for green fodder dur-ing the growing season and the structure of the crop. Harvesting culture can be carried out only once during the growing season in the first year of life. In the second and subsequent years harvesting was carried out two or more times, alternating years in terms of the first cutting. Better terms of the first harvest Astragalus for forage should be considered phase of flowering (annually) or alter-nate mowing herbage during the use phase in the bud formation - flowering - bud formation. The yield of green mass herbage was used i 23.2-26.8 tons per hectare, the collection of fodder units was 5.63-6.04 tons per hectare, crude protein was 1072-1157 kg perhectare, or 17-37 % more than at the first annual cut in the phase of stem. Annual harvesting of the first in the early phase (stem, bud formation) allowed earlier (May 26-7 June), a high-ly food (146-168 g digested protein per feed units, but in later years it was leading to productivity de-cline of Astragalus 23-37 %. Culture did not have time to form a full-fledged second cut for green fod-der when mowing phase fruiting. Astragalus galegiformis was promising fodder crop for West-ern Siberia, which had not only high productivity, but also the long period of economic use of herb-age. Culture formed a good aftergrass (38-43 %) and created a nutritious fodder.


Herbage, cutforgreenfodder, feedunits, digestedprotein

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IDR: 14084979

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