Lens culinaris medik. Performance depending on zonal and genotypic factors in Apsheron and Jalilabad districts of Azerbaijan

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In modern literature there are opinions that the genetic diversity of the lentil plant has decreased by up to 40%. Taking this point of view into account, to increase the efficiency of breeding work, it is necessary to use the gene pool of the Lens culinaris Medik. species based on an in-depth study of economically important traits and obtain it as primary material, traditional and newly developed selection methods. The main role in this work should be assessed based on the study of the morphological, biochemical, agrobiological and other characteristics of the primary material. The exchange of hybrid samples between countries, their research in different ecological regions, different climatic and soil conditions, the discovery and creation of productive, high-quality, complexly resistant varieties and at the same time the use of these materials as starting material in future breeding work and hybridization programs are quite common in the world practice and gave effective, efficient results.


Lens culinaris, fertilizers, genotype, grain legumes, selection

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14129704

IDR: 14129704   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/29

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