Parent plant productivity and green cuttings root formation ability of golden currant varieties bred at the Lisavenko research institute horticulture for Siberia

Автор: Salykova Valentina S., Shtil Lada V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2021 года.

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FSBSI FASCA “Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after M.A. Lisavenko" in 2016-2020 carried out a study of the productivity of the mother plant of varieties of golden currant. The purpose of the work is to comparatively study the productivity of mother plants and the ability of root formation of green cuttings of golden currant varieties of the RIHS selection. Research objects of the golden currant variety (Ribes aureum Pursh) of the RIHS selection are Barnaul'skaya, Dar Altaya, Ida, Levushka (control), Podarok Ariadne, Sibirskoe solnyshko, YUbilej Altaya and selected form 3581-98-6 (Kapel'ka). Planting scheme 4×1 m (2500 pcs/ha). Shoots were harvested from plants of 2013 planting in three replicates, one plant - replicate. The yield of green cuttings per plant and 1 hectare, their ability to root formation were determined. In the second and third years of exploitation of mother plants for most varieties, an increase in the yield of cuttings was observed, in the fourth and fifth years there was a slight decrease. In 2020, rather high productivity was noted in the varieties Ida (144.3 pcs/bush), Yubilej Altaya (138.0 pcs/bush) and Levushka (117.0 pcs/bush). During the study period, 164.5-736.5 pieces per bush were harvested, in terms of per hectare 411.3-1841.3 thousand pieces. The average value of the coefficient of variation (V) - 17.1 % was noted in the Levushka variety, in other varieties it was more significant - 19.9-58.8 %. According to the results of the study of root formation, high results were noted, on average from 49.7 % (Dar Altaya) to 70.1 % (Levushka). In 2018, low values were observed in the varieties Ida (30.7 %), Podarok Ariadne (27.4 %) and Kapel'ka (26.3 %); 2020 - Dar Altaya (25.5 %) and Sibirskoe solnyshko (26.6 %). Most of the studied varieties had a high yield of green cuttings and the percentage of their rooting.


Golden currant, variety, mother plant, reproduction, cutting, root formation, rooting, cuttings yield, temperature indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256953   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-6-58-63

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