Productive potential of modern varieties of lupin and prospects for its deep processing

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The paper presents studies of the productive potential of the lupine variety "Orlovsky" in the conditions of the Orel region on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of "Federal Scientific Center of Legumes and Cereals". The prospects for the development of lupin sowing in Russia are related to the fact that it is able to accumulate a large amount of protein due to atmospheric nitrogen at minimal cost compared to the introduction of mineral nitrogen. The content of protein substances in lupine is due to both the biological characteristics of individual species, varieties and kinds, and the growing conditions. At the same time, there are differences between individual species, varieties and kinds of lupin both in the quantitative content of protein substances and in their qualitative composition. In this regard, new varieties of annual lupine species are of undoubted interest. The advantages of lupin have been repeatedly noted by many scientists and practitioners. It fixes nitrogen in symbiosis with nodule bacteria very effectively. Due to the high solvent capacity of root secretions, lupines absorb phosphorus and other elements fixed in the soil. Many species of this crop can grow on sandy acidic soils. Currently, white lupin is a valuable high-protein forage crop. Its application areas are expanding due to the introduction of new non-alkaloid varieties, such as Degas, Vityaz. A special problem for guaranteed stable supplies to the food industry, which is a priority for the agricultural complex and which, in turn, must introduce innovations for the production of attractive food products based on lupin, rich in protein, is a lower yield compared to other legumes, including widely used soybeans.


Lupin, yield, variety, deep processing, food industry, alkaloidness

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IDR: 147240702   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2023.3.193

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