Researching of problems of optimum design of composite space truss structures

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The paper investigates the feasibility of the design of space truss structures made of composite materials. The problems arising in the optimal design of multicell composite space truss have been formulated and analyzed. It’s necessary to mount the required equipment on the space trusses, what depends on the number of connecting nodes. On the other hand, a large number of sections and connecting nodes made the structure more heavily and complicate. Thus, the first task is to develop an algorithm for calculating the optimal geometric characteristics of the truss, that is, the number of sections in the longitudinal and in the circumferential direction. Loads on the different elements of the space truss are different. Therefore, it is evident that the different sections of the truss rods must have different characteristics. In the case of composite materials the solutions of further optimization task are necessary. This task is to determine the optimal structural parameters of multilayer beams - such as multilayer structure, the number of layers, reinforcing angles and layer thicknesses. The problem of optimal design of connecting nodes is an important task. The article explores the possibility of connecting nodes, which would be entirely made of composite materials. There are two types of composite connector assemblies, one of which is already known and used in the truss structures of space, and the second proposed by the authors of the article. In order to analyze the strength of the composite connector assemblies and their comparison with the metal assembly finite element modeling of the load nodes was carried out. For this purpose the beam model of total truss was created. This model was used for getting loads in the most loaded node. These loads are used in the more detailed modeling of strength of composite node. The results of simulations suggest promising applications of composite connecting nodes in the space truss.


Truss structures, composite structures, connector assembly, optimal design, multicell structures

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IDR: 148177669

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