Designing the problem-oriented infrastructure for simulation modeling of spacecraft onboard equipment

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The authors develop a subject-oriented environment of the spacecraft onboard equipment simulation modeling. This environment is basing on the Simulation Model Portability standard (SMP), which determines the technology for com- patibility and transferability of simulation models within big simulation projects of software-and-hardware complexes. There is a number of simulation infrastructures in the world space industry. They are used in big technical projects where it is important to integrate simulation models of different purpose, including those of different manufacturers, and to use them together. The support for the import-independence of Russian space developments should include the creation of domestic software products based on the standards of the European Space Agency. Such studies will make it possible to understand the principles of organization of complex projects and their integration into international research. We have designed a software architecture, proposed a division in software subsystems and described the main princi- ples of their interaction. Simulation infrastructure is aimed to support the work of the space systems’ onboard equip- ment designers. Its functions are determined by the basic tasks of the constructing: onboard equipment design support, generation and analysis of designer solutions at different stages of the space equipment production lifecycle. The architecture contains all the necessary components to provide transferability and workability of simulation models in the simulation modeling systems built on the basis of the SMP Standard. Our software extends the ap- proaches provided by the standard with the original methods of information-graphic and intellectual modeling. The authors have developed the methods and software of information-and-graphic modeling for visual building of the models, setting their structure and determining the links between their elements. To specify the methods of func- tioning of models, the authors suggest using condition-action rules. Our special instruments of knowledge base creation allow describing different variants of the modeled object behavior. The publication of the developed approaches and the software architecture opens up the possibilities of using SMP by other researchers in their own development, and also shows the main technological moments which are necessary to meet the requirements of the standard.


Simulation model portability standatd, developing problem-oriented software, simulation infrastructure, simulation model portability standard, spacecraft, onboard equipment, software architecture

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IDR: 148177731

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