Project management in the sphere of innovations: interdisciplinary approach

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In this article it is suggested a model of organization of project management in the field of innovative projects. The article notes the approach to innovation as an economic-psychological phenomenon, on the basis of which, an interdisciplinary approach to the organization of management in the field of organizing innovation activity is proposed. It is analyzed the content of innovation activity. As the result it is underlined two main stages: the stage of economic creativity, which includes the emergence of the idea and the preparation of the initial plan, and further implementation of the activity with its further adjustment. The first stage begins with the emergence of the idea of the main participant of the process - the innovator. At the first stage, the selection and justification of the necessary resources for the realization of this idea takes place. The result of this stage can be formalized in a clear work plan, the content of the description of resource resources. The second stage is essentially a non-innovative activity, but an economic one. The proposed interdisciplinary approach takes into account not only the economic component and the effectiveness evaluation, but also the psychological features of the generators of ideas – «innovators», innovation activity and institutional environment. The described model includes the hard core of the innovator team, as an auxiliary belt, which includes psychological, technical, economic and legal support services. Particular emphasis is placed on psychological techniques that allow optimizing and stimulating the process of innovation. As the basic receptions of psychological support are noted motivational conversations, creation of banks of ideas, positive reinforcement and facilitation. The proposed model will reduce the bureaucratic burden primarily through the connection of technical personnel responsible for preparing the necessary technical documentation. Secondly, the reduction in bureaucratic burden is possible due to the definition of the most precise timeframe and the criteria for assessing the result.


Project management, innovative activity, economic psychology, psychology of the innovator

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140229918   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2017-4-289-296

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