Professional training of state employee in the field of ethno-national development: education and legal aspects

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The article analyses the state of Russian training of state employees in the field of ethno-national development. The system of modern higher vocational education in terms of student proficiency in theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of ethnic and inter-ethnic relations is studied. The conclusion of the need to improve the training of public servants by creating a unified educational system of a careful study of ethno-national problems in all its forms: either through the inclusion of relevant topics and sections of the existing structure of academic subjects, or by studying it in a separate scientific and educational discipline. Details the educational technology, including the study of ethno-national problems in the structure of the main branches of law, including international, constitutional, administrative and criminal law.


Professional training of civil servants, ethno-national competence, educational and law aspects of training in the field of ethno-national society development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142233741

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