Professional potential of Russian libraries and ways of its development

Автор: Kuznetsova Tatyana Ya.

Журнал: Культура и образование @cult-obraz-mguki

Рубрика: Культурные процессы и явления

Статья в выпуске: 4 (31), 2018 года.

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The situation with staffing of libraries of Russia is analyzed and the reasons of personnel crisis are considered. Among them-the low prestige of the profession, migration processes in the industry and personnel stagnation, the lack of a multi-level system of training and retraining of library staff. The professional model of library specialist of digital age is offered. The conditions of improving the quality of library and information education are considered. Proposals for solving personnel problems in the library and information sphere are formulated. The article substantiates the position on the priority development of additional professional education as an effective tool of professional socialization of library professionals. The necessity of adoption and implementation of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of library and information activities”, as well as professional and public management of the development of the system of independent assessment of qualifications in the industry and implemented educational programs by the Council for professional qualifications established under the Russian library Association.


Personnel library policy, library and information education, additional professional education, professional development, professional retraining, professional standard, professional qualifications

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IDR: 144161212

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