Program of students preparation for implementation of norms in "Ready to work and defense" (RWD) complex

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Paper is devoted to the problem of preparing students to pass the norms of the new complex «Ready to work and defense», in the light of its massive introduction in the country's universities. The low level of physical readiness of the students of Omsk State Technical University (OSTU), revealed as a result of the research, made it possible to draw the conclusion about the need for purposeful preparation of students for the all-around RWD. A program was developed for preparing students to pass the standards of the RWD complex in accordance with the requirements of the VI stage. The cycle of preparation of the program consists of 3 mesocycles, which include classes of various orientations depending on the emphasis on certain types of RWD. As a result of the pedagogical experiment it was established that the use of the developed program provides a statistically higher increase in the indicators of the overall physical preparedness of students, in comparison with the traditional program. The significant progress of the results in the most lagging types of the complex is revealed. This makes it possible to increase the number of students who successfully passed the norms of a new complex of RWD and who want to actively engage in mass sports.


Mass sports, students, physical training, sport and fitness complex "ready to work and defense"

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IDR: 14117005

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