Passage of special sites of the orbit by the navigating space vehicle of system GLONASS

Автор: Fateev Aleksey Vladimirovich, Emelyanov Danil Vitaljevich, Tentilov Uriy Alexandrovich, Ovchinnikov Andrey Viktorovich

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Математика, механика, информатика

Статья в выпуске: 4 (56), 2014 года.

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The logic of passage of special sites of an orbit of navigating space vehicle GLONASS, namely passage of large and small corners the Sun-object-earth is described. The expediency of fulfillment of an anticipatory turn is considered by the space vehicle at passage of large and small corners the Sun-object-earth. The question of minimization of influence of forces of solar pressure upon the centre of weights of the space vehicle is considered at passage of large corners the Sun-object-earth. Also the question of minimization of an error of definition of the phase centre of the aerial concerning is solar-terrestrial co-ordinate system is considered at passage of special sites of an orbit on board and in consumer equipment. Algorithms of passage of an anticipatory turn which are put aboard the space vehicle and in consumer equipment are developed for the solution of this points in question. The algorithm put aboard, allows by means of devices of orientation and executive powers to trace reference value of a course corner on all site of an anticipatory turn. Algorithm, are put in consumer equipment, calculates reference value of a course corner for all site of carrying out of an anticipatory turn. The algorithm which for 10 minutes prior to the beginning of an anticipatory turn predicts time of the beginning and the termination of an anticipatory turn is developed, calculates duration of an anticipatory turn, and also the initial data necessary for carrying out of an anticipatory turn. Also the algorithm which for 50 seconds prior to the beginning of an anticipatory turn updates the beginnings predicted time and the turn terminations, and also the initial data necessary for carrying out of an anticipatory turn is developed. One more algorithm allowing on current value of a course corner to calculate the correction to co-ordinates of the phase centre of the aerial is developed for consumer equipment. The developed algorithms allow to reduce an error of a co-ordinates setting of the consumer at passage by the space vehicle of special sites of an orbit.


An anticipatory turn, large corners the sun-object-earth, small corners the sun-object-earth, special sites of an orbit, system glonass

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