Spatial analysis of competition and cooperation of trees in pine forest crops

Автор: Rogozin Mikhail V.

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Ботаника

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2021 года.

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In forest cultures of scots pine 1 in bonita at the age of 55 years with a standing density of 940- 1620 pcs./ha with a fullness of 0.84-1.02 on an area of 1.9 ha, places with low and medium density (5 sample areas, 433 trees) were selected to study the influence of microcenoses on the diameters of trees in their center. To do this, in the "ArcMap-ArcView" program, food polygons for the age of 30-40 years and 41-55 years were built around the trees. Five indicators were used in the spatial analysis of the data: 1 - simple pressure of neighbors: the diameters of the neighbors on the polygon were summed up; 2 - specific pressure of neighbors: indicator 1 was divided by the feeding area of the central tree; 3 - pressure of neighbors taking into account the distances to the central tree: the diameter of the neighbor was divided by the distance to the central tree and the data were summed; 4 - specific pressure of neighbors taking into account the distances: indicator 3 was divided by the feeding area of the central tree; 5 - cooperation of trees on the sides of the polygon: the diameter of the neighbor was multiplied by the contact distance with the central tree on the side of the polygon and the data were summed. It was not possible to choose the best indicator, since all five were weaker than the influence of a simple power supply area. When using the feeding area at the age of 30-40 years, and then at 41-55 years, the specific pressure of neighbors varied in strength from 5.8 to 8.9%, averaging 7.4%, and when taking into account the distances to neighbors, this pressure increased to an average of 8.5%. At an average density, the strength of the trees ' cooperation was equal to 11.6%, and at a low density of 7.5%, averaging 9.6%. Thus, the cooperation of trees in the microcenosis was generally 1.13 times stronger than the competitive pressure of neighboring trees.


Common pine, tree stand, microcenoses, competition, cooperation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147236783   |   DOI: 10.17072/1994-9952-2021-4-235-248

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