Psychological features of teenagers’ system of basic values and attitude to life

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The papers deals with the psychological peculiarities of substantial and affective components of teenagers’ attitude to life. The paper presents the relation between the hierarchy of values and the hierarchy of needs expressing various parts, aspects and levels of human nature. The author studies the role of values in regulating the behavior and internal conditions for such regulation as a prerequisite for constructing the motivation history of teenagers. Studying the offenders’ personality, the author notes that due to various reasons offenders have quite a different personal image, lifestyle, as well as alternated nature and content of activities and meaning of their life. Such value deformation changes the whole personality and, consequently, the nature of behavior motivation. As part of the study, the paper considers the issue of affective and value components in the meaning of life. Adolescence is the age when a person undergoes intensive development of values and starts searching for the meaning of life...


Adolescence, abstract and specific values, underage delinquents, substantial components, affective and value components, meaning of life

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IDR: 14116882

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