Psychological space-time and basic cultural scenarios of the educational event

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The article is devoted to the problem of designing an educational event as a joint action of participants aimed at solving a creative task and accompanied by the emergence of new meanings of the activities carried out by them. To do this, we introduce concepts of psychological space-time and the basic cultural scenario of an educational event. Possible variants of psychological space-time are described on the basis of the difference in the internal positions of the participants of the event in relation to the significant Other, to whom the creative action is directed. The thesis is substantiated that the psychological space-time arises as the effect of the reversal of the joint activity of the participants of the event to this Other, the communication with which occurs at the value-semantic level. It is shown that this space is characterized by the direction of streams of subjectively perceived time in the system Past - Future - Present. Various types of basic cultural scenarios (object-object, subject-subject, subject-object and subject-subject) are considered, the dominance of one of which depends on the localization of the subject's pole in the system of relations between the personality of participants and Culture. These scenarios are described from the point of view of the concept of the three types of cultures of M. Mead. It is proved that only the subject-subject basic cultural scenario is able to ensure the authentic events of the relations between the participants of the educational event. The leading role of the creative imagination is substantiated, thanks to which the subject-subject dialogue of the participants of the event with the Past and the Future is possible.


Educational event, psychological space-time, basic cultural scenario, subjectivity, significant other

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IDR: 149124838

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