Ways of enlarging lawyer's powers while proving in Russian criminal procedure

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The quality of the lawyer’ work depends on his abilities, knowledge, professional experience and some other factors, but, nevertheless, the most important help is the range of the lawyer’ powers and, more particularly, the right to collect evidence by the lawyer. Within this article the problem of the lawyer’s work on collecting evidence will be considered, specific proposals on improvement the process of collecting evidence by the lawyer in criminal process will be made. The area of the criminal procedural legislation, regulating lawyer’s powers on collecting evidence is the most sensitive and the weakest spot for criticism by analysts. The process of collecting evidence by the lawyer within the framework of criminal procedure has to be regulated maximum, as far as it is possible, fully and accurately for realization of several criminal trial principles, including such as the presumption of innocence, providing the suspect with the right to defense, competitiveness of the parties, who have to operate not only at the stage of judicial proceedings, but also at the stage of preliminary investigation.


Protection function, preliminary investigation, proving process, lawyer's powers, lawyer investigation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142232859

IDR: 142232859

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