The early technological innovation in the Paleolithic industries of Central Asia: carinated technology in transition industries of Uzbekistan

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The carinated pieces, discovered in the complexes of Obi-Rakhmat rock shelter (layers 21-19) and Kulbulak site (layer 23) are analyzed in the article. Those artifacts are dated between 60 and 80 thousand years B. P. As our studies show, the specific development of bladelet technology is observed in the industries of the sites. Different variants of flaking principles and methods were adopted for the same final purpose - obtaining small bladelets. One of the used methods applied in mentioned industries to produce bladelets with curved or even twisted profile is very similar to the carinated technological strategy which is widely known in much later lithic assemblages (Upper Paleolithic) of the region.


Central asia, upper paleolithic, transitional industries, carinated pieces

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IDR: 14737764

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