Investigation of economic crimes committed on railway transport and transport infrastructure facilities as a system of information and cognitive activity

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In the article, in order to find reserves and ways to improve the efficiency of detection, disclosure and investigation of crimes of certain types and groups, the author put forward a hypothesis about the specificity of the nature of information interaction, the peculiarities of the process of cognition in investigative activities. Based on the analysis of extensive theoretical material, investigative practice, a key conclusion was formulated that the activity of the subject of the investigation aimed at information retrieval and cognition of the circumstances of the crime is essentially a system of information and cognitive activity. It has a hierarchical structure that unites the subjects of investigation and criminalistically significant information, objects and objects used by them as evidence. The features of this system as a complex type of activity aimed at successfully obtaining information from various sources, its transformation, assimilation, inclusion in a single information system for solving crime investigation tasks are revealed. The possibilities of implementing information and cognitive activities in the process of investigating economic crimes committed on railway transport and transport infrastructure facilities are determined. The significance of the obtained results is expressed in clarifying the concept of information and cognitive activity, its potential for both forensic science and practice.


Investigation of economic crimes, railway transport, search and cognitive activity

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IDR: 143178232   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-9820-2021-4-157-171

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