Differences and similarities of corporate culture in different countries: main types and connection with the socio-cultural factor

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In modern conditions, the issue of corporate culture in various companies is seen as extremely important due to the need to increase the effectiveness of intercultural and interethnic interaction and negotiations. The better the understanding of the peculiarities of negotiating with a representative of a particular national mentality and, as a result, a particular corporate culture, the higher the likelihood of their success. In the context of the need to improve operational efficiency, this indicator is extremely important. It seems necessary to draw parallels between national characteristics, especially those that have developed historically over a long period, and how these characteristics affect corporate culture. Within the framework of the study, a theoretical aspect is given - the concepts of national mentality and national character are compared and a parallel is drawn between these categories and corporate culture. On the example of several countries with a specific corporate culture, the thesis about the deep interconnection of these phenomena is proved and the features of national corporate cultures are demonstrated. For the Russian corporate culture, strengths and weaknesses are analyzed, and the reasons for their appearance are indicated. A comparative analysis of national corporate cultures is carried out and practical negotiation recommendations are given for more effective interaction with representatives of different corporate cultures.


Corporate culture, risk management, national mentality, national character, corporate governance

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142236158

IDR: 142236158   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2468

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