Tree propagation by ligneous cuttings at the Dendrology garden named after G.I. Genze

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The article give up development of cloning technology of imported plants at Omsk Garden Dendrology named after G.I. Genze. Actuality of our investigations connect with solution about extension of number species for planting of trees and gardens in the town. Results of cloning plants with application of ecological safety preparations have been shown. They has control over the phytopathogens, stimulate of plant growth and increase of soil fertility. All studied microbiological preparations make at the biological research laboratory of the Omsk consultant center. In this article the potentials of tree cloning by winter ligneous cuttings in conditions of open soil have been described. Period of taking roots vary from 32 to 37 days. Taking root of winter ligneous cuttings vary from 41 to 95 %. Winter ligneous cuttings of Myricaria alopecuroides has root formation better. Winter ligneous cuttings of Salix fragilis has apical growth better. Results of measurement of the root neck diameter of Myricaria alopecuroides, Salix fragilis, Tamarix have been shown. Connection between apical growth and root neck diameter have been control. The one-year winter cuttings have not such connection yet. Biologicals Elena, Azolen, Chyornye drozhzhi, Trichodermin has positive influence on root formation, increase of apical growth and root neck diameter.


Winter cuttings, introduction, biologicals, phytopathogens, root neck diameter, root formation, cloning, apical growth

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IDR: 142213484

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