Disagreements in the party organization of the socialist revolutionaries in Yenisei province in 1917

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This article deals with the process of intraparty differentiation among socialist revolutionaries of Yenisei province in 1917. Contradictions are investigated among right, centrist and left trends in socialist revolutionaries' party on the basis of periodical press and archival data. The vital issues that caused disagreements among socialist revolutionaries were the problems of attitude towards the war, Provisional government, Soviets, pace of social reforms, tactics of coalition with liberals, Kornilov's mutiny and Bolsheviks' activities. The process of political differentiation has strongly evolved in Ye-nisei province. Left-centre and left-wing ideas were quite widespread in the party. An examination of intraparty differentiations raised at a regional ground let us comprehend the reasons completely which stimulated the defeat of socialist revolutionaries' party at Russian political scene.


Socialist revolutionary party, revolution of 1917, yenisei province, left-wing socialist revolutionaries, right-wing socialist revolutionaries, centrist socialist revolutionaries

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IDR: 147219157

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