Development and investigation of the photoelectric pump station model with water heating in solar collectors

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The urgency of developing new types of photoelectric pumping stations with the possibility of heating water in solar collectors (PEPS with SC) is justified both by expanding the range of application of such installations, and increasing tariffs for electricity and connecting to electric grids, the gradual revival of subsidiary farms, peasant farms, livestock and hothouse economy. One of the conditions for the successful implementation of PEPS with SC is the study of their design, the specific application in the educational process in the training of agroengineers and power engineers, therefore it is necessary to develop PEPS models with SC in the form of laboratory installations. The PEPS model developed with the SC is introduced into the educational process of the Orel State Agrarian University and is used in the study of energy saving technologies, renewable energy sources, water supply equipment, and also in refresher courses representatives from production. The conducted experiments made it possible to reveal the characteristics of the model, as well as to develop a test procedure for PEPS with SC and to draw up appropriate methodological instructions.


Photoelectric pumping station, solar collector, pump characteristics, solar battery

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14770191

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