Achenes development and germination in remontantcultivars of day-neutral strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) in Western Siberia

Автор: Apolinareva I.K., Baturin S.O., Kuznetsova L.L., Petruk V.A.

Журнал: Сельскохозяйственная биология @agrobiology

Рубрика: Функции систем биологического окисления

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.47, 2012 года.

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F 1, Freska F 1), growing in open ground, were estimated on indices of seed production and quality of achenes. The majority of strawberry cultivars are noted to demonstrate high seed production and germination of achenes taken from berries of August harvest. The authors revealed that the cultivars differ in varying achenes production over one season of fruitage. The Florian F 1, Grandian F 1 and Loran F 1 cultivars were the most stabile. The Grandian F 1, Florian F 1, Loran F 1 and Sarian F 1 cultivars demonstrate the high germination of achenes during the whole fruiting period.

Strawberry, everbearing cultivars, seed set percentage, achene germination ability, plant breeding

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IDR: 142134819

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