Development and improvement of the on-board control system test methods at test bench facility

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Development and improvement of the On-Board Control System (OCS) test methods, implemented in satellites manufactured by ISS, is considered in this paper. The authors has analyzed the available bench facilities of OCS test and indicated the problem to investigate and verify the next generation of OCS that based on network organization of data change. In order to solve a problem mentioned above it is required to develop the methods of the processes parallel control, as well as the diagnostic control of any abnormal status which might appear in the computation unit of the On-board computation network. Object-oriented analysis, algorithm creation and analysis methods, UML simulation methods are used during this work. Based on the created algorithms the preliminary stage of the branched Space Wire network test is fulfilled. The developed test facility and methods are used for OCS test bench development for future satellite and may be used to check and verify Control systems based on branched networks of data change. Created conception and methods will be used as a basis to test the new generation OCS in ground conditions.


Control system, verification of control algorithms, tests of control systems, test methods, on-ground tests

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IDR: 148177094

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