Development of intellectual capital in conditions of structural transformations of economics

Автор: Kryzhanovskaya O.A., Nekipelova A.S., Rushkova A.v

Журнал: Теория и практика сервиса: экономика, социальная сфера, технологии @tps-esst

Рубрика: Социальная сфера

Статья в выпуске: 2 (36), 2018 года.

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In modern economic and political conditions, structural transformations, which involve a radical change in the proportions of the economy, cover ever larger areas of activity, including intellectual capital. The article considers the main components of intellectual capital, as well as their mutual influence. Accounting for the degree of influence of the constituent components of intellectual capital makes it possible to manage its development.

Structural transformations, intellectual capital, index of human development, the index of the knowledge economy

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IDR: 148319222

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