The development of ecological tourism and recreation in especially protected natural territories of Krasnoyarsk region

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At the World ecotourist summit in May, 2002 the Quebec declaration on ecotourism (ET) was adopt-ed, it was underlined that though the notion “eco-tourism” as the tourist term is used about 20 years, the lack of accurate definition of the concept leads to the depreciation of the concept of this kind of activity in general. The main objectives of ecologi-cal tourism are harmonization of the person with natural and social environment surrounding, eco-logical education and education of various groups of population. The main objective of ecological tour-ism is observance in the greatest possible degree of strict environmental standards and restrictions. Ecological tourism in especially protected natural territories is regulated by the nature protection leg-islation. Therefore consideration of the main regula-tions concerning conservation allows understanding the role and the place of ecological tourism in eco-logical legal space. The solution of problems of ecological tourism almost completely depends to-day on the desire and opportunities of local legisla-ture to develop ecological tourism within own terri-tory. Internal tourism in the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region in a bigger measure develops in the form of a recreation. In the territory of seven operating EPNT, on the basis of lease contracts, recreational activity is carried out by 59 users, i.e. legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs. For eco-logical education of the population in territories in-formation boards with the mode of protection and environmental management of EPNT are estab-lished, booklets and leaflets are distributed. In the region there is enough EPNT possessing high rec-reational value. In the priority directions in Krasno-yarsk Region further development of arrangement of other territories of EPNT possessing recreational potential.


Ecological tourism, recreation, es-pecially protected natural territories, users

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IDR: 140224252

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