Developing creativity of older preschool children by observing nature and environment

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The paper is devoted to the issue of developing children’s creativity by means of observing the environment. The relevance of the issue is based on the ideas outlined in the previous Federal State Educational Standards of pre-school education. One of the ways to develop creativity in preschool age is providing interaction with nature and environment. Observing natural objects and items makes a particular emotional impact on children by giving them joy, delight, and surprise and thereby improving their aesthetic sense and creativity. The authors see creativity as a complex, multilayer, integral phenomenon, characterized by the general universal ability for creative work. Creativity includes cognitive-creative, cognitive-intellectual and creative components characterized by the corresponding criteria, such as imagination and emotional development for the cognitive-creative component; verbal intelligence, cognitive activity, predictive ability, creative thinking for the cognitive-intellectual component; creative perception and creative product for the creative component...


Creativity, cognitive-creative component, creative component, method of focal objects, modeling, cognitive-intelligent component, garland and association methods

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IDR: 14116879

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