Reaction of antioxidant system and intensity of oversour lipids oxidation of Prunus cerasus L. in response to the hyperthermia effect

Автор: Prudnikov P.S., Krivushina D.A., Gulyaeva A.A.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 1 (70), 2018 года.

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One of the first symptoms of the beginning of plants physiological suffering under the environmental insult is development at the cellular level of an oxidative stress. At the same time due to the formation of the active forms of oxygen (AFO) the intensification of oversour lipids oxidation and change of the antioxidant system activity is noted. In this regard it is possible to conduct monitoring of the AFO level on the example of hydrogen peroxide, activity of components of antioxidant system - catalase, proline content and also a quantity of products of the oversour lipids oxidation (OLO) - malondialdehyde (MDA) for a functional diagnostics of resistance of cultivated plants varieties under the influence of a stress factor. The purpose of the work was to study a response of antioxidant system and processes of OLO under the conditions of hyperthermia effect on a plant body. The objects of the research were cherry varieties Novella, Farewell, Gift to teachers from the FSBSI ARRIFCB collection. It is shown that when modeling high temperature in comparison with normal conditions in the cages of the leaf apparatus, a considerable increase in the content of hydrogen peroxide by 19-50% was observed that promoted an intensification of the processes of OLO by 11-59%. Also at the same time an increase in the content of proline by 23-56% and increase of a catalase activity by 1,2-1,87 times were noted. The most sensitive to the stress for the specified indicators were varieties Farewell and Gift to teachers. Novella had a lower degree of response intensity that could indicate a resistance of this genotype to the high temperature effect. Thus, the definition of the degree of intensity of oversour lipids oxidation and activity of the components of antioxidant system in response to an artificial modeled influence of hyperthermia can be the signs of stress resistance of cherry varieties.


Catalase, proline, hydrogen peroxide, oversour oxidation of lipids, hyperthermia, sour cherry

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IDR: 147124497   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.1.30

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