Realization of the local system of automation of maintenance processes and repair of control and automation equipment

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The task of this work is to reveal the information on the practical implementation of the developed process of automation of maintenance system and repair of automation in the power plant of Norilsk city. The practical result of the system activity is the optimization of business processes, maintenance and repair of heating automatics and measurements, in order to reduce the time for decision-making and improve their quality. The author specifies the requirements to the system, shows the solvable problems, describes in details the configuration of the system, the composition and interaction of subsystems, network devices, designed interface and the way to access the data. According to the results of the system functionality realization, the reader can see and appreciate its features, cost-effectiveness and possible areas for further development of the system.


Equipment maintenance and repair, enterprise resource planning system, expert system

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177090

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