Book's review: Antyufeeva O. A., Ptichnikova G. A. Archaeological parks and open-air museums : Manual. M., 2019. 224 p

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The architects’ book of O.A. Antyufeeva and G. A. Ptichnikova that specialize in museum design (Volgograd state technical university) has comprehensively analyzed, for the first time in monuments’ management and museology, the current trends of organizing open-air museums in Russia as well as in other countries of Europe, Asia, the USA and Canada. Much attention is paid to the creation of "Archaeoparks" in the Nizhnya Volga region. The manual can be used not only in the educational process in training future architects, archaeologists, museum experts but also in the practical activities of the archaeological museums-reserves.


"archaeopark", open-air museum, architecture, design, exposition

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ID: 170179671   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2020-4-16-164-167
