River valleys as means of communication between the districts of Tuva and adjacent territories of Sayano-Altai in antiquity and the middle ages

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Purpose. The article emphasizes the importance of river valleys as means of communication in the geographical conditions of Tuva and adjacent territories of the Altai-Sayan mountainous country. Results. Since ancient times, mountain river valleys have been the main means of communication between different areas of Tuva and adjacent areas of the Altai-Sayan mountainous country and North-Western Mongolia due to the natural and geographical environment preventing the development of interethnic relations in the region. Evidences of rivers playing a particularly important role for the population of Tuva for thousands of years are numerous and can be found in archaeological and historical sites confined to the river valleys throughout Tuva. In addition to marking the territory of modern Tuva, people often used hydronyms to name the whole region. Trails along the rivers flowing from the watershed of the mountain ranges were used for land development on the territory of Tuva starting with the early Stone Age and in subsequent periods due to most convenient relief, and they have not lost their importance in modern times as the basis of transport communications. The territory is characterized with mountain relief, mountain-taiga and mountain-steppe landscapes, which is a difficult obstacle between basins separated by mountain ranges. The valley of the Yenisei and its tributaries, mainly the rivers Khemchik, Kaa-Khem and Biy-Khem, served not only to move from the West of Tuva to its Eastern edge, but were also the routes connecting Russia with Altai, the area of lake Khubsugul, Minusinsk basin. They were of great importance for transporting military forces and establishing fortifications, especially during domination of the Uighur and Kyrgyz khanate. Conclusion. Since the advent of man in Tuva, river valleys were used for developing the territory and establishing settlements, growing different economic sectors, in particular cattle breeding and construction, establishing stable contacts with the residents of neighboring areas. The valleys were the most appropriate and often the only means of travelling and transporting essential items across the taiga and Alpine landscapes all the year round. Of the highest value for the movement and construction of military fortifications in the borders of Tuva were valleys of large rivers, the Ulug-Hem, the Kaa-Khem, the Biy-Hem and the Khemchik along the most important and constantly used transit roads. To cross the mountain ranges, which are the natural border of Tuva, people used routes along the river valleys flowing from the dividing ranges. Modern roads are laid mainly on the place of the ancient paths. Of particular importance were paths along the river banks used to move furniture and other heavy items to remote places. Consequently, river valleys is one of the most important natural factors that has had a significant impact on the population of Tuva for many centuries.


Tuva, river valleys, mountain ranges, ancient turks, uighurs, yenisei kyrgyz, mongols, altai-sayan, roads

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IDR: 147219750

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