The 1828-1829 reforms and the religious aspects of the constitutional revolution of 1828-1832 in Britain in its historiography of the mid-1960s - early 1990s

Автор: Klochkov Viktor Viktorovich

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: История

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2018 года.

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The study discusses the role and place of the 1828-1829 events related to granting political rights to the Dissenters and Catholic Emancipation in the historiographical concepts of the contemporary British historians. The paper focuses on the concept of the ancient regime established in the British historiography as a part of the revision of the traditional historiographical approaches. The research considers the role and significance of the religious reforms of the liberal Tories in 1828-1829 at the final stage of the British constitutional monarchy development in the first third of the 19th century. Besides, the author examines the influence of such reforms on the political tradition of Britain and the reflection of these processes in British historical studies of the last third of the 20th century. The research findings demonstrate the crucial significance of the religious reforms of the liberal Tories for the completion of the constitutional revolution.


Партийно-политическая система великобритании первой трети xix в., партия тори в конце 20-х гг. xix в., political party system of great britain in the first third of the 19th century, repeal of the test and corporation acts for the dissenters in 1828, catholic emancipation of 1829, british constitutional revolution of 1828-1832, tory party in the late 1820s, religious policy of the liberal tories, reasonable conservatism of r. peel, contemporary british historiography, historiographical assessment of religious reforms of 1828-1829


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IDR: 14941411   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2018.1.27

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