Climate change: challenges for food and social security. Рубрика в журнале - Региональные проблемы
![An evaluation of risk adaptation practices by farmers in Malaysia An evaluation of risk adaptation practices by farmers in Malaysia](/file/thumb/143165308/an-evaluation-of-risk-adaptation-practices-by-farmers-in-malaysia.png)
An evaluation of risk adaptation practices by farmers in Malaysia
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Climate change is not only affecting agricultural sector but also driving farmers to manage agricultural risks through various adaptation practices at global level. Farming community of Malaysia is also facing climate threats and taking different adaptation measures to manage the risks. Therefore, quantitative research was conducted in four zones of states in which 360 farmers were randomly selected. The findings showed that main adaptation measures mentioned by farmers were advance savings, diversification of income and agricultural sources and weather advisories. The study recommends that farm insurance as adaptation measure should be promoted by public and private sectors exclusively by agricultural extension personnel to minimize risk on account of climate changes in Malaysia.
![Building resilience and poverty alleviation through tilapia-based skills and livelihood development in Northern Mindanao Building resilience and poverty alleviation through tilapia-based skills and livelihood development in Northern Mindanao](/file/thumb/143165303/building-resilience-and-poverty-alleviation-through-tilapia-based-skills-and.png)
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The project aimed to teach beneficiaries skills and assist them in establishing a tilapia-based livelihood, with the objective of building resilience and alleviate indigence amidst environmental challenges. A survey of organizations and site evaluation were conducted to determine qualified beneficiaries and suitability of area. Thirteen people’s organizations, one Local Government Unit and a school were qualified as partner-beneficiaries. They were trained the technologies on tilapia hatchery operations, tilanggit production and tilapia grow-out and were assisted in starting their own livelihoods, applying the acquired skills. Start-up materials were provided: fingerlings, cage materials, feeds and equipment. They were also given trainings on value-adding, feed formulation, entrepreneurship, bookkeeping, gender and development, and climate change. Government agencies were engaged for sustainability of the initiative. At the end of the project, seven organizations were already operating their hatcheries, producing fingerlings for their use and for market. The tilanggit processed by women were highly demanded in markets and festivals. Their grown-out tilapia is sold in retail and in bulk. As a strategy, the beneficiaries planted indigenous trees in river banks in exchange for free fingerlings. It was shown that bringing science to poor communities helps mitigate impacts of climate change.
![Environmental migration: essence, problems and possible solutions Environmental migration: essence, problems and possible solutions](/file/thumb/143165299/environmental-migrationessence-problems-and-possible-solutions.png)
Environmental migration: essence, problems and possible solutions
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Climate change, desertification, high risks of water supplies and increasing droughts in irrigation networks of rivers and canals (Karakalpakia, Aral); ethnic and linguistic barriers between titular nation and small nations (Kazakhs, Karakalpaks) in Uzbekistan, which hampers their internal migration and threatens assimilation within the country - all these reasons are not a survival strategy, but contribute to escape in search of asylum to other territories (Russia, Kazakhstan). There is a need to address the problem of environmental migration, therefore, the concept of an “environmental migrant”, an “environmental refugee” should be introduced into practice. Why is environmental migration as a problem requiring detailed study? This is a complex process, which has the same characteristics with a general migration of the population, but which has its own characteristics. An analysis of this process shows that, despite the obvious relevance and significance, the problems associated with it remain unresolved...
![Ethics: ensuring food security in the era of climate change Ethics: ensuring food security in the era of climate change](/file/thumb/143165329/ethicsensuring-food-security-in-the-era-of-climate-change.png)
Ethics: ensuring food security in the era of climate change
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The present research covers topics such as global policy options for food security; and existing policy frameworks by the government of Pakistan and national bodies or organizations working for the cause of biosafety, biosecurity in the country. The ethical need to establish effective strategies related to country’s preparedness to tackle issues like climate change, poverty and food security is emphasized.
![Impacts of natural disasters on farms and farmers in Malaysia Impacts of natural disasters on farms and farmers in Malaysia](/file/thumb/143165307/impacts-of-natural-disasters-on-farms-and-farmers-in-malaysia.png)
Impacts of natural disasters on farms and farmers in Malaysia
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Natural disasters particularly floods and land sliding in Malaysia are frequently caused by climate changes. The impacts are also faced by farms and farmers in the form of production loss, farm infrastructure and even on psychology of farmers. Consequently, agricultural sector is becoming more risky which would affect food security of the country. Current research was carried out to assess the level of impacts of natural disasters on farms and farmers in the last five years. The impact level was measured on the scale of low, medium and high. The respondents were 360 farmers who were selected through one of the probability sampling techniques. The results revealed that climate changes in the form of natural disasters highly destroyed farm production, crashed irrigation and drainage facilities, and negetively affected emotions and psychology of farmers. The study recommends that various agricultural players such as public and private organizations, researchers, academia, students and policy makers are required to ponder profoundly on the impacts level and formulate strategies to facilitate farmers and their farms.
![International instruments in the field of climate change International instruments in the field of climate change](/file/thumb/143165301/international-instruments-in-the-field-of-climate-change.png)
International instruments in the field of climate change
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One of the important international treaties in the field of climate change is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Main objective of the UNFCCC is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. At present 165 countries joined to UNFCCC and get good experience in climate change issue and singed a lot of agreements as a Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, Bali Action Plan, etc. The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was concluded and established legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in the period 2008-2012. The 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference produced an agreement stating that future global warming should be limited to below 2.0°C (3.6°F) relative to the pre-industrial level. The Protocol was amended in 2012 to encompass the period 2013-2020 in the Doha Amendment, which as of December 2015 had not entered into force. In 2015 the Paris Agreement was adopted, governing emission reductions from 2020 on through commitments of countries in ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions. The Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016. The aim of the current work is to give a brief review of agreements signed by the UNFCCC.
![Iran's commitments toward meeting the goals of Paris agreement: harnessing the global temperature rise Iran's commitments toward meeting the goals of Paris agreement: harnessing the global temperature rise](/file/thumb/143165302/irans-commitments-toward-meeting-the-goals-of-paris-agreementharnessing-the.png)
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Since its inception in Rio, 1992, United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) has held 23 Conference of Parties (COP). COP21 of Paris, December 2015, by consensus, is a breakthrough in more than 25 years of debates and disputes over climate change and global warming issues. COP21 invites the world players to reduce the Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, to limit Planet’s temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius, if not below 1.5, by the end of the 21st century. To meet the challenge, the main recommendations of the agreement are as follows: COP21 invites its member to propose an intended Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), towards meeting its goals, proportionate to their administrative, economic, and technological capabilities. NDCs are required to be Measurable, Reportable, and Verifiable (MRV). NDCs should be revised every 5 years on the basis of knowledge and experience gained in the process. COP21 urges the developed countries to assist the developing ones, technology-, finance-, and knowhow- wise to develop and execute their NDCs...
![Perceptions and responses to climate change: understanding adaptation strategies and multi-level capacities in Northern Bangladesh using livelihood resources Perceptions and responses to climate change: understanding adaptation strategies and multi-level capacities in Northern Bangladesh using livelihood resources](/file/thumb/143165305/perceptions-and-responses-to-climate-changeunderstanding-adaptation-strategies.png)
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Climate change has become a concern due to its adverse impacts on local livelihood and human security globally. This may affect livelihood options in a disaster-prone country, Bangladesh, particularly in the northern region, which experiences high temperature, low rainfall, and frequent disasters. This paper presents empirical evidences that indicate perceptions on climate change and local responses on this change to take different adaptation strategies using available livelihood resources. Primary data was collected in northern districts by applying Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis method and Focus Group Discussion. The study demonstrated that local communities experienced climate variabilities and disaster incidents. Several adaptation strategies were employed at different levels of capacities based on livelihood resources. The study demonstrated government level capacity would mostly influence resources utilization. Policies and programs aimed at enhancing and strengthening the adaptation strategies need to deliberate livelihood resources and capacity levels significantly.
![Risk management in agriculture and adaptation to climate change Risk management in agriculture and adaptation to climate change](/file/thumb/143165328/risk-management-in-agriculture-and-adaptation-to-climate-change.png)
Risk management in agriculture and adaptation to climate change
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The study examines agricultural risk management policies in Russia and its response to conditions of climate change. Two types of policies are analysed: individual yield insurance triggered by observed yield shocks on the farm and ex post payments triggered by a large systemic shock. The impact of climate change differs depending on the location. For example, the most reliable sources now prove that climate change will increase production risk, measured by yield variability of the main crops in Russia. In the Southern Far East there is evidence that some crops show increased production risk and others show reduced risk. This research provides valuable information of the policies interact with risk management and adaptation strategies, and how to solve the problems of the policy-making under strong uncertainties. There are strong links between risk management and adaptation policies, and government responses to protect farmers from climate change risks that will affect their strategies. For example, support of insurance schemes and of ex post payments may reduce the incentive to diversify farm production giving up production of more climate sensitive crops and farm practices. In this sense these government supported instruments can potentially crowd out appropriate adaptation strategies by farmers.
![Sustainable intensification of agricultural systems in Iran for adaptation to climate change: opportunities and challenges Sustainable intensification of agricultural systems in Iran for adaptation to climate change: opportunities and challenges](/file/thumb/143165304/sustainable-intensification-of-agricultural-systems-in-iran-for-adaptation-to.png)
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Attaining sustainable food security in Iran, as a country located on an arid and semi-arid region requires overcoming many challenges including limited basic resources (water and arable land), improving food safety and health and increasing productivity of agroecosystems as well as reconstructing market and affordability to food. Climate change has further threatened country’s capabilities for sustainability of agricultural systems. Reconsideration for intensive farming due to diminished quality and quantity of water, soil, and biodiversity resources which are caused by long time conventional practices is a necessity for providing sustainability of agroecosystems in Iran. Food security, however, should not be declined in the process; so, we need a new paradigm of “sustainable intensification” which integrates food security and meanwhile ecological sustainability of these systems. Sustainable intensification is a prerequisite of adaptation for climate change in Iran, as adaptation needs to reduce water consumption and increase water use efficiency (WUE), optimize soil tillage and management and maximize productivity of whole production chain. This would be done in triple steps including reducing input consumption, replacing conventional inputs and practices by integrated and sustainable ones and finally recreating and redesign climate- resilient agroecosystems. Opportunities and challenges of the duty are reviewed in the current work.