Regulation of the standard of living of the population in conditions of a socially oriented economy

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The article discusses the possibility of universalizing the approach to assessing the standard of living, which would include a standardized set of indicators due to the fact that existing assessment criteria differ in the characteristics used. Some of them are based solely on objective data, others on subjective assessments. The need to improve the assessment of living standards is determined by the relationship with the state development strategy, where the problem of increasing living standards occupies a central place, and to achieve significant results in this area, such key tools as the legislative framework and the use of a program-targeted approach are used. Theoretical and methodological provisions for managing the welfare of citizens are revealed mainly through legislative measures and strategic planning. Regional problems of living standards were studied using the example of the Republic of Tyva: a lag from the Russian average indicators was revealed, especially in the sectors of demography, income, health and safety. Directions are proposed that can contribute to positive changes in the socio-economic sphere of the region and the emergence of trends to improve relevant indicators.


Standard of living, quality of life, welfare, standard of living indicators, social standards, target programs, per capita income

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IDR: 142240606   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3359

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