Regulation of tolerance of phytopathosystems with help of second metabolite of plants

Автор: Balashova N.N., Zhuchenko A.A., Pivovarov B.F., Balashova I.T., Kozar E.G., Bespalko A.V., Pyshnaya O.N., Kintya P.K., Lupashku G.A., Mashchenko N.E., Shvets S.A., Bobeike V.A.

Журнал: Сельскохозяйственная биология @agrobiology

Рубрика: Актуальные проблемы, обзоры, итоги науки

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.39, 2004 года.

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The authors considered the properties of second metabolites of plants - steroid glycoalkaloids and glycosides, which provide polyfunctional self-regulation of living systems: influence on the membranes, energy potential of the cells, hormonal system and metabolism of pathosystems. The creation of modern ecologically safety systems of plants protection on the basis of use of plants second metabolites, which permit to raise the vital status of plants-hosts in agrocenosis.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142132945

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