Reengineering in the construction of business architecture of the enterprise

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The increasing speed of change in the sphere of business requires from executives and managers of enterprises to respond to the threat of a turbulent market. One of them is to improve the business architecture of the enterprise. As a rule, we are talking about reengineering, that is the replacement of the functional management model on the process one. Reengineering can be carried out in 2 ways - «hard» and «soft». The essence of the «hard» method is the breaking of functional model of management, which helps to avoid many problems associated with hierarchy, but generates social and psychological problems in the team. In the «soft» approach, on the contrary, it is not possible to avoid the problems of hierarchy at once, but the problems of socio - psychological nature are much weaker regardless of the approach. When building a business architecture, you must make changes at three levels: organization, department, and personal.


Reengineering, business architecture, functional approach, process approach, leadership

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IDR: 142221263

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