Relief and landscapes of the Eravninsky ore district of the Baikal-Juggjjsky mountain-taje region

Автор: Shagzhiev Carl Sh., Kremenetsky Igor G., Zhalsobon Tuyana B.

Журнал: Природа Внутренней Азии @nature-inner-asia

Рубрика: Байкальский регион, Россия

Статья в выпуске: 3 (4), 2017 года.

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The Eravninsky ore district has been attracting attention of geologists, mining specialists, economists and ecologists for more than half a century. More than 10 deposits and manifestations of the most diverse types of minerals are concentrated on an area of more than 50 km2. Among them, the Ozernoye deposit of pyrite-polymetallic ores occupies the leading place. Formation of the modern relief of the Zaza-Eravninsky watershed space occurs under the direct influence of erosion-denudation and denudation-accumulative processes that have a long history of their development. Since denudations are susceptible to numerous manifestations of deposits of ore and nonmetallic minerals located in the xenolith of the Cambrian deposits of the Oldyndinsky Formation and containing high amounts of toxic elements and mostly confined to the northern slope of the watershed, in the Zazinskaya basin, according to the geochemical conditions of the steppe landscape, grazing of livestock should be banned for reasons of environmental safety. The southern, gently sloping and wider slope of the watershed is of great interest from the point of view of the possible accumulation of gold-bearing placers.


Denudation-accumulative relief, steppe landscapes, anthropogenic landscapes

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IDR: 148317116   |   DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2017-3-102-112

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