Relict elements fauna of the phytophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Curculionoidea) of the east of the Russian plain and their natural refuges

Автор: Dedyukhin S.V.

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Зоология

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2016 года.

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For the first time in the East of the Russian plain differential analysis of relict elements of the fauna of phytophagous beetles from superfamilies Chrysomeloidea and Curculionoidea (223 species; about 18% of the fauna) was conducted. Relict elements depending on the origin of the three complexes are separated: North Asian (45 species), Ancient Mediterranean (74 species) and Western Palearctic (104 species). In each of these identified several landscape-historical groups. The most ancient and true relict in the territory are species of Siberian origin (Eastern steppen, tundrasteppen, some arctic-boreal, as well as paleoendemics). The largest concentration of relicts is observed in the stony-steppe communities on the remnant forms of relief within the uplands of the south of the forest-steppe zone. The most important feature of these complexes - syntopy Siberial-Mongolial, Kazakhstanian, Turanian and Pannonian-Pontian species. In the northern part of the boreal ecotone high saturation relict forms noted in Kungurskaya insular forest-steppe.


Chrysomeloidea, curculionoidea, phytophagous beetles, east of the russian plain, relict elements of fauna, natural refuges

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IDR: 147204761

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