Recourse of neo-traditionalism in the formation of values and identities of the student youth (case of Kalmyks, Russians, Yakuts and Mongols)

Автор: Popkov Yu.V., Chetyrova L.B.

Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2014 года.

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In the article the results of empirical sociological survey, devoted to revealing of the values orientations and identities of the student youth in the Russian ethnic regions such as Kalmykiya, Sakha Republic, as well as Mongolia are analyzed. The survey concerns a comparison of these parameters among different ethnic groups of the youth - the Kalmyks, Russians, Sakha (Yakuts) and Mongolians. It is focused on the Kalmyks, who can be literally called as Eurasians, since they live on the border of Europe and Asia, West and East. The special attention is paid to the level of keeping the traditional culture in the modern conditions, which exists in the form of neotraditionalism and also to its influence on the formation of values orientations and different types of identities of today ’s youth.


Tradition, values, identity, youth, russians, kalmyks, sakha (yakuts), mongolians

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IDR: 148317026

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