Resource approach to overcoming teachers’ professional and daily difficulties

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The dynamically changingmodern world brings various professional and everyday difficulties. Educators, who perform a noble and socially important mission of preparing the younger generation for adult life, deserve special attention as they experience professional stagnation and emotional burnout. The theoretical analysis of literature sourceand the results of empirical studies suggest that the determinants of subjective experience in coping with difficult life situations, stress, and risks of change, are social andlife experience, traditions, factors of the socio-cultural environment, and personal psychophysiological characteristics. At the same time, the effectiveness of the techniques that people use to cope with difficulties can obviously be different. The methodological approach in the article substantiates the resource approach. The article theoretically substantiates and empirically verifies the protective-adaptive process of teachers’ coping with difficulties. It was found that there are four stages of responding to difficulties as part of the protective and coping strategy...


Vital resources, professional difficulties, teacher, coping, changes, resource approach

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IDR: 14117182   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/19-4/06

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