Resources of scientific libraries as a basis for activating their socio-pedagogical potential

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In the context of the digital transformation of society and taking into account the priorities for the popularization of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities, the social and pedagogical potential of scientific libraries becomes an undeservedly underestimated tool for influencing the processes of self-education and self-education of the individual. By developing the IRNPD, scientific libraries are involved in solving important social tasks of society to create conditions for the comprehensive development of personality, involving the user in scientific search. An important factor in the development of the IRNPD and the formation of the IRNP environment are the resources of scientific libraries. The library fund, the community of like-minded people, the tools, the physical place and the librarian -curator are defined as the most significant groups of resources in the formation of the IRNP environment. It is concluded that it is the resources and resource differences of scientific libraries that make it possible to activate their socio-pedagogical potential.


Intellectual development and scientific and educational activities, scientific library, socio-pedagogical potential, digital transformation of society, library resources

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IDR: 144162950

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