The results of the analysis of factors determining rational designation of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medicinal drugs for animals

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The results of the survey of the specialists of veteri- nary medical institutions of West Siberian Federal Dis- trict concerning rational prescription of nonsteroid anti- inflammatory drugs given to animals were presented. 109 questionnaires completed with doctors during the period from 2016 to 2017 were processed. The charac- teristics of respondents most often using NSAIDs in veterinary medicine, the factors of their choice, the de- gree of knowledge of rational use of NSAIDs for animals were defined. It was established that NSAIDs prepara- tions on the basis of carprofen (Rimadyl 5 %) and ketoprofen (Ketofen) were most popular most often pre- scribed. Thus preparations on the basis of carprofen caused more often undesirable effects, than prepara- tions on the basis of a ketoprofen. When using prepara- tions in 17.7 % of cases the development of undesirable reactions in animals were observed by the veterinary surgeons: the progressing oppression, ataxy, sharp renal failure, skin allergic reactions, toxic hepatitis, post-injection infiltration, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and anaphylactic shock...


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, nsaids, rational application to animals, respondents, questioning

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IDR: 140243322

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