The results of the analysis of lichen planus episodes in the Krasnodar region for 2012-2015years and its clinical features

Автор: Tlish M.M., Sycheva N.L., Osmolovskaya P.S., Shavilova M.E.

Журнал: Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал @ssmj

Рубрика: Дерматовенерология

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.12, 2016 года.

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Aim:to study the features of lichen planus in the Krasnodar region.Materials and methods.Total 68 clinical caseshave been analyzed. The patients were subdivided into age groups in accordance with physiological age gradation.The Classification of lichen planus proposed by the Federal clinical guidelines for the management of patients withlichen planus (Moscow, 2015) was used. The diagnosis in each case was confirmed by histological examination ofbiopsy specimens of the skin. The data on the prevalence of lichen planus was obtained from the annual reports of theClinical dermatovenerology dispensary of Krasnodar city from year 2012 to 2015.Results.Women were found to suffer 2.6 times more often than men, nearly half of the subjects (48.5 %) were aged between 35 and 55 years. The diseaselasted for more than a year in 76.5 % of cases. In one-third of cases the disease has developed on the background ofendocrine pathology. The most commonly found clinical variants were vulgaris (accounted for more than half of thecases) and hypertrophic (1/3 cases) form. Involvement of mucous membrane was observed in 22.1 % of cases, and thiswas seen more commonly associated with destructive forms (erosive ulcerous and exudative hyperemic).Conclusion.The results indicate an increase in the incidence of lichen planus in the Krasnodar region with a predominance of typicalforms of cutaneous lichen planus and destructive forms of lichen planus of the mucous membranes.


Associated pathology, clinical forms, incidence, lichen planus

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IDR: 14918341

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