Radon monitoring in residential buildings near the Shkurlatov granite deposit

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The presence of acting granite quarrying near the residential area may cause increase in indoor radon concentration. The paper presents results of estimating the level of radiation and carcinogenic danger for residents living near the acting Shkurlatov granite deposit. To assess average annual equivalent equilibrium volume activity (EEVA), Bq/m3, and the average annual individual effective radiation doses from radon isotopes presented in the indoor air, mSv/year, the data of the unified system for individual doses monitoring from 2017 through 2022 were used. Results of voluntary in-situ examination and 42 measures of radon volume activity in 17 residential buildings the closest to the granite quarry, were carried out in 2023. The above measures were used for calculation of EEVA of radon isotopes (Bq/m3) and the average annual individual effective radiation dose to the residents inhalated indoor radon (mSv/year). According to the data on radon monitoring in the dwellings situated near the Shkurlatov granite deposit the EEVA in wooden houses varied from 9.2 to 35.5 Bq/m3, EEVA in stone houses varied from 9.4 to 41.4 Bq/m3, average values are 21.2±2.0 and 21.9±1.8. The quoted values do not differ from the monitoring data in the Pavlovsk district of the Voronezh Region. Statistic data on malignant neoplasms incidence from 2017 through 2022 were investigated. As for the incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, no statistically significant difference between average multiyear cancer incidence in the area close to the Shkurlatov granite deposit in Pavlovsk district, Voronezh region, and in the more favorable district. The comparison was based on annual radiation doses due to radon isotopes inhalation. The results of the study suggest that radon at the registered indoor concentration does not affect cancer incidence among people living near the Shkurlatov granite deposit.


Radon, volume activity, effective dose, monitoring, granite deposit, granite quarrying, residential buildings, types of buildings, carcinogenic danger, lung cancer, population, ecology, voronezh region, radiobiology, public health, environmental health, radiation


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204366

IDR: 170204366   |   DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2024-33-1-84-96

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