Risks of development of the fuel and energy complexes of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan in connection with sanctions and deglobalization

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The political, intensified globalizing pressure of Western countries, which in previous periods were a single global center, covers many areas of economic activity in Russia and its regions. For a long time, Russia remained in subject-object relations with the West, remaining in a clearly peripheral position. There is an intensification of confrontation and confliction of the world, which was previously striving for global unity. The process of deglobalization is taking place - the process of dividing into regions and development centers of the previously striving for global unity of the world economy. Significant, similar changes have been observed for Russia since 2014, and there is an urgent need for an increase in the objective factor in relation to Western countries. The implementation of an independent and independent policy resulted in an open military-political confrontation and the conduct of ITS own in Ukraine. There have been events related to many restrictions for the fuel and energy complex (hereinafter referred to as the fuel and energy complex) Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan. As a result, there have been many threats to the development of the economies of Russia and Bashkortostan, and their fuel and energy complex, in particular.


Threats to economic development, threats to the development of the fuel and energy sector, government policy, high-tech sector of the economy, sanctions of western countries, mechanisms, directions, events

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142240565

IDR: 142240565   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3254

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