The role of town-forming enterprises’ corporate social responsibility in providing single-industry towns’ sustainable development

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The article aims to investigate the impact of town-forming enterprises’ corporate social responsibility on the state and development of single-industry municipal entities. Definitions of town-forming enterprises and single-industry towns are considered, the main characteristics and trends of their development in modern Russia are defined, the role of government in supporting the single-industry towns is analyzed. The main groups of town-forming enterprises’ primary and secondary stakeholders are singled out as well as their major characteristics; recommendations for the companies on cooperation with different stakeholder groups are provided. The role of loyalty on the part of each of the stakeholder groups is defined. It is concluded, that state support of single-industry towns is of high importance, however it cannot replace town-forming enterprises’ corporate social responsibility in providing sustainable development of the towns.


Corporate social responsibility, town-forming enterprises, single-industry towns, stakeholders, state support

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IDR: 142225245   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1203

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