The role of national projects in the provision of public goods at the regional level

Бесплатный доступ

The provision of public goods to the population is one of the indicators of the well-being of the population, which is the basis of Russia’s national policy. The production of public goods is carried out in various ways. In particular, the option of producing public goods within the framework of a regional/municipal order can be implemented in the form of national projects. To date, the Government of the Russian Federation has approved and launched 13 national projects. The article reflects data on national projects in the context of approved funding volumes, the number of subsidies and contracts, and cash execution. Special attention is paid to the mechanism of project execution on the example of the implementation of the regional project «Success of every child» within the framework of the national project «Education» in Kemerovo, Kemerovo region. The key risks of deviations from the approved «roadmap» of the project in terms of the development of allocated funds, deadlines and the values of the results determined for each project are identified. A categorization of national projects is proposed depending on the results achieved.


National project, implementation of the national project, public and quasi-public goods, education, welfare

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240323   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3240

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