The role of Soviet party schools in the development of library education in Belarus in the 1920s

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The training and retraining of employees for mass libraries and reading rooms in the first years of Soviet power in the BSSR was carried out at short-term courses organized by the Glavpolitprosvet. The first such courses were organized in 1924 on the basis of Soviet party schools in Vitebsk, Minsk and Mogilev. A special role in the training of specialists for libraries was played by the Mogilev Soviet Party School, in which, in August 1927, the first All-Belarusian six-day courses for the preparation and retraining of huts began to work. In 1928, the Mogilev Soviet Party School was reorganized into an extracurricular technical school with a four-year term of study.


Library education in belarus, staff training and retraining courses, soviet party school, mogilev extracurricular technical school

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